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Kayak SG

Search hundreds of travel websites at a go on! If you've been planning a much needed getaway, start your travel planning right here and and quickly compare flight and hotel prices from thousands of properties and airlines around the world.

Established in the United States. KAYAK started out as a flight comparison website and travel search engine operated by The Priceline group. Today, the website has expanded its reach to over 30 locations included the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and Singapore.

Flight Search and More

From multi destination flights to one way tickets, international flight deals to local domestic travel, Kayak allows travellers to find and book the best flights available from its notable airlines from across the globe.

Using Kayak is super simple as all you need to do is head to the website or use the mobile app and key in your departure and destination cities, number of people and hit the search button to aggregate all the upcoming flights as well as last minute flight deals available according to your queries.

The recently added 'Explore" function is another great tool for travellers who are keen on adventure but aren't entirely set on their destination. Not only will you be able to find cheap flights to plenty of destinations but the feature's price aggregator allows you to see the accompanying prices for each location on the map to ensure that you select the best flights at prices that are within your budget.

From Romantic Escapes to Foodie Havens, the "Explore" function also makes recommendations according to your interests to help you find the ultimate holiday getaway.

Find Cheap Holiday Hotels

Find hotels around the world on Kayak. Type in your destination along with your check in and checkout dates to find the best available rates. Whether you're looking to stay a property that is close to the airport or one that comes with free breakfast, Kayak allows you to filter your search according stars, travel reviews, price, available facilities and location to find and book a vacation rental that works best for your needs. The site also provides travellers with plenty of last minute hotels that can be booked less than 24 hours prior to arrival.

Car Rentals

For travellers who are keen on exploring a new city on their own terms, Kayak also allows them compare and book cars for hire from popular services such as Ace, Hertz and more. Filter your selection according to pick up, capacity, car type or car hire agency.

Kayak Promo Codes and Offers

From cheap airfare deals to airline promotions, users will be able to find the latest ongoing promotions from Kayak on Saleduck to help them save more on their travels. So whether its a Kayak discount code or a sitewide sale, follow the Kayak webshop on Saleduck to get access to these offers the second they go live.

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